Hunnebo Shipping is active as Consultants in Project Cargo Logistics.
  • Chartering Services. We assist you in finding the perfect vessel for your transportation needs.
  • Door-toDoor. We to offer worldwide coordination for project cargoes. We arrange “door-to-door” shipments of complex cargoes from single or from multiple origins.
  • Global coverage is achieved through our global network of dedicated agents and partnes – all specializing in handling conventional and project cargoes.
  • Feasibility studies. In connection with transports of delicate nature we also offer complete feasibility studies well in advance of the shipment. These include studies of roads, bridges, rivers, sites and local equipment. Based on the study we are then able to choose the most economical and safe means of transportation together with our clients.
  • Our Port Captains and Supercargoes with extensive experience will attend all loading and discharging operations to assure that your cargo is handled in a safe and efficient way.
  • Cargo Planning and optimizing services. We are working with CargoPlanner software and with 3D CAD software in order to optimize your cargoes in ships, containers and barges etc.
  • Cargo Survey Services. On site or in the ports we offer independant survey during loading or discharging of project cargoes, heavy-lifts or general cargo operations. The survey is followed up by a detailed survey report including photo coverage